Benefits of including magnesium in your diet


Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in your body. It’s essential for bodily health and wellness, however the vast majority of Americans do not get enough of it in their diets. A deficiency of magnesium can create several health issues, and even those who eat a generally healthy diet may by missing it. Here are some of the biggest benefits of including magnesium in your diet. 

Insomnia Relief

Have you ever laid awake at night even though you were dead tired, and had no idea why? It could be that you did not have enough magnesium. Magnesium soothes your neurotransmitters, which send messages to your brain. If they are active, then you will have a hard time getting to sleep, or will sleep too lightly. Magnesium also relaxes your muscles so your body is properly prepared to rest. 

Healthy Muscles

Your muscles need electrolytes to properly contract and relax. That’s how muscles function. Magnesium is one of the most important electrolytes you have in your body, and will help with your strength training and every day muscle use. Along with being an electrolyte, magnesium also helps your muscle metabolism. If you exercise a lot, then your body will use a lot of magnesium, meaning that you will need to replenish it through a magnesium-rich diet. 


There have been several studies that have asked “does magnesium help with migraines?” The answer so far seems to be that it does, although it is unclear why. Migraines can be debilitating for those who suffer from them. Along with the pain, they can also have issues with nausea and vomiting. However, many migraine sufferers have a magnesium deficiency, showing that there may very well be a link. 

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Bone Health

When you think of bone health, you probably think of calcium. However, to get strong, flexible bones you need a mixture of several minerals working in unison. Magnesium is one of these minerals, along with copper, nickel, boron, and zinc. In fact, half of the magnesium in your body is found in your bones. It will make your bones stronger and less likely to break. Those with a magnesium deficiency tend to have more fragile bones and suffer from bone loss over time. 

Heart Health

You already know that magnesium is crucial for your muscles. Your heart is probably the most important muscle you have. If you aren’t getting enough magnesium in your diet, you are at a higher risk of heart disease. Magnesium provides fuel for your heart in the form of electrolytes, and also helps your heart be more elastic and resilient. Calcium build-up is a strong indicator of heart disease, and magnesium is known to break down calcification and help the heart function properly. 

It Fights Asthma

Asthma symptoms can be very uncomfortable, and very scary. In fact, if they are too serious, asthma can be life-threatening. Emergency departments will give patients suffering from serious attacks magnesium to help get their breathing under control. It stops your bronchial muscle from spasming, which lets you breathe more normally again. Magnesium helps to protect your cells, and relaxes muscles, which helps with lung function. 

Improves Insulin Resistance

When your body becomes resistant to insulin, it will lead to type-2 diabetes. Insulin helps your bloodstream absorb sugar. When sugar is not absorbed properly, it can affect your liver function to the point that it poses a serious health threat. Magnesium can help with insulin resistance, as studies have shown that there is a link between magnesium deficiency and type-2 diabetes. It is best taken before you have reached the point of being diabetic as a preventative measure. Keeping your magnesium at an appropriate level can help ward off the disease. 

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Improves Digestion

Nobody likes to suffer from constipation, bloating, gas, or other gastrointestinal issues. These are often the result of the body struggling to properly absorb nutrients. Magnesium assists in the production of hydrochloric acid, and enzymes that absorb nutrients and minerals. On top of that, magnesium will help with the strength and health of the cells in your digestive tract, keeping your food moving and your nutrients getting absorbed as they should. 

As we all know, eating right is the most important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body, and is readily available in many foods. However, too many people do not take advantage of this. Make sure that you incorporate magnesium into your diet so you can enjoy all of the health benefits that it offers.